Chance to Live
Play online anytime
A fascinating web based escape game full of wow factors
which you can play without leaving your house.
You have a chance to investigate a mystery from the past:
2020, an opening of the time capsule solemnly buried in 2000 turns into a worldwide mystery when
strange files named SARS CoV 2 are discovered among its contents. How did they get there and what
is in those files? Will you be able to find out?
This educational science fiction thriller is a challenging game for 1 person or a whole team.
Game Length: 60 – 90 minutes
Age guide: 8 +
Difficulty Rating: 8/10
Price $30 per game. 1 player or a whole team. Unlimited number of teams can play at the same time
Location: Connect from anywhere in the world! All you need is a computer and internet connection.